
Showing posts from June, 2018

My first experience assembling and disassemblling a system unit.

Today (just now), I had my first experience assembling and disassembling a system unit. To be honest, for me it wasn't that easy and it wasn't that hard either. During the process of disassembling and assembling the system unit, i gained a few knowledge . I now know how big a motherboard is and how small a cpu/processor is.Next,i know what role the heatsink played and the function of RAM.Not only that, now I also know the few other components in the system unit of a computer.  The funny story was when we ( MY TEAM MEMBERS AND I ) had a hard time unattaching the power supply from the case and we were sweating like crazy because it was hot.Anyway... HERE ARE A FEW PICTURES THAT I TOOK WHILE MY GROUP AND I TRY TO ASSEMBLE THE SYSTEM UNIT.

components of system unit

Video Card  (graphics adapter) – with its help the outputs from a computer are displayed on the screen. Modern video cards support HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface), VGA (video graphics array) and DVI (digital visual interface).           Motherboard  – a system core. Actually, it is a heart of computer. Other system elements are connected to motherboard, and the whole system is managed and controlled by it. Motherboard contains special chips on which some ICs (Integrated circuits) are etched. Processor  – a computer engine, its brain. CPU (central processing unit) manages most of computer operations. Processors can be with pins or pin-less. It contains a control unit and a logic unit. RAM  (random access memory) – primarily memory. It storages all data processed by programs and apps on the computer. There are dynamic and static RAMs.                         ...